Home Buyers

The search for your new home

I will:

Conduct a personal buyer’s interview to determine your real estate needs and to familiarize you with the entire real estate process from beginning to end

Introduce you to the multitude of services provided by Weichert Gold Services

Provide you with a list of satisfied clients

Recommend lenders who will determine your purchasing power and pre-approve you for a loan

Explore with you neighborhoods that meet your living and working needs

Preview properties that meet your housing needs

Show you properties that might work for you and yours

Prepare an offer that includes the contingencies appropriate for you and the property

Present that offer to the Seller (directly, if possible)

Recommend vendors to deal with contingencies in the offer

Follow-up with all the contingencies incorporated in the offer to insure that they are satisfied and removed

Attend with you any home, radon or termite inspection

Review the results of same to determine action to be taken

Recommend settlement companies to complete the transaction

Recommend vendors to deal with any work to be done in the home following settlement

Keep you in touch with any current real estate information relevant to your home purchase